The Sharing Data Saving Lives project was inspired by the 2022 report by Discovering
Safety in partnership with HSE, together with Atkins, the Open Data Institute and Metis
Digital and funded by the UK Government through the Regulators’ Pioneer Fund (RPF).
This project concluded that there was a compelling financial, legal and moral case for
better sharing of risk related data between the duty holders in a construction project, and
then onwards between the project and the ongoing management of an asset. This has the
potential to power a cycle of continuous improvement in health and safety management.
This case study describes work carried out by The Environment Agency (EA) supply chain.
This work shows how EA has standardised terminology, established a common data
schema for risk, and developed a workflow to support a distributed common data
environment. Implementing these changes will make risk information available to all the
duty holders in a project in order to improve design risk management, enhance the
interface between the design and construction phases, and enable handover information
and the ‘Health and Safety File’ to be managed more efficiently. Beyond these project wide
benefits, EA as a client will be able to access all risk data across relevant projects
operations and maintenance work and ensure that lessons are identified and learning
actioned on a broad Nationwide basis.
Watch our explainer video on YouTube here
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