It’s no secret that data is being generated at an ever-increasing rate. Data about us, our lives and our environments is being used to generate information and insights on an unprecedented scale.
The world of health and safety is no exception, with applications as diverse as simple record-keeping, sophisticated text mining or the use of wearable technology to collect new information. New challenges are emerging, and old challenges are being met in new ways.
The key to dealing with this wealth of information is to understand it and turn it to your advantage, gaining insight into the working lives of your people, your social and physical environment and, of course, your customers.
We are committed to working with others to unlock health and safety data in order to build tools and new ways of working that will not just examine and learn from incidents, but predict risks and mitigate them. We have a wide range of technical work being delivered by Discovering Safety which is looking to expand its influence and membership and would encourage all interested parties to get involved.
How can you better collect data, effectively mine it to give you more information about the risks in your workplace, and then use data to mitigate risk?
Come along to our free Data-driven Insights Webinar!
In this free webinar a panel of Health and Safety Executive experts and collaborators will present how we aim to use data and analytical techniques to provide new insights and approaches to help to reduce injuries and fatalities from workplace activity. We’ll also talk through how this could be applied to your workplace and answer any questions you might have.
Register your interest here and secure an invitation on the 19 Oct 2021
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