Today, HSE has released Great Britain’s annual injury and ill-health statistics (2018/19).
The HSE data that underpins to these statistics is also a main feed of data in to Discovering Safety. The programme is built around the creation of a global knowledge resource comprising HSE’s comprehensive accident and incident investigation data, and augmented by other rich sources of information from across the globe.
Here are five facts taken from the statistics:
- Workplace injuries cost Great Britain £5.2billion in 2017/18
- 581,000 workers sustained a non-fatal injury in 2018/19 (according to self-reports from the Labour Force Survey)
- 69,208 employee non-fatal injuries were reported by employers under RIDDOR in 2018/19
- 29% of Non-fatal injuries to employees by most common accident kinds (as reported by employers) in 2018/19, were due to slips, trips and falls at the same level
- 147 workers have been killed at work in 2018/19
Such statistics make evident the social and economic impact that could be gained through:
- Reduction in incidence of injuries, non-injury accidents, and cases of work-related ill-health
- Enhanced ability to predict when future health and safety failures might happen and therefore the opportunity to prevent them
- Reduced financial costs of lost work time, plant downtime & risk of prosecution, more awareness of regulatory responsibilities
Discovering Safety seeks to achieve this by working with industry, academics and governments from the global community to generate bespoke solutions for local contexts, including the challenges faced in developing countries
The full reports that these figures were taken from can be found on HSE’s website.
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