Products developed by Discovering Safety
Here are some goodies available from the programme, developed by our experts.
Sharing Data
HSE has collected a vast archive of incident, accident, investigation and concerns data over the past 50 years. Some of our data sets have been further supplemented with data from industry stakeholders to enrichen the information with up-to-date and applicable knowledge. We use the collected data to provide new insights, tools, techniques and approaches to industry. In this way we share the knowledge that underpins everything we do.
For more information on how to work with us to enrich our data sets, or to gain access to some of the tools and projects below, please email discoveringsafety@hse.gov.uk
Construction Division RIDDOR – Risk Profiles
This dashboard is a data visualisation of Reporting of Incidents, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations (RIDDOR) records related to construction, designed to make the data more relevant and easily used by interested parties: Sample data 3050 records from 2011 to 2017
Training course
This HSE-delivered course covers the main uses of data and types of indicators, looking at past and future events, applications to health and safety key measurements, organisational cultural factors and the links between data, effective management systems and success. The content was developed drawing from key information and techniques developed in the Discovering Safety Leading Indicators project.
This course is aimed at health and safety managers or practitioners, those in performance management roles and others who are involved in the collection and analysis of data in relation to health and safety and who want to learn from their past performance to prevent future adverse health and safety outcomes. Read more about the course on the HSE Solutions website.
Other data used by Discovering Safety
HSE Statistics based on Incident Data
HSE publishes a range of statistics relating to health and safety in Great Britain. Using a variety of data sources, including surveys and surveillance schemes, we provide statistics on:
- Work-related ill health and disease
- Workplace injury
- Enforcement of health and safety legislation
- Working days lost and costs to Britain as a result of health and safety incidents
- Working conditions and management of health and safety in the workplace
Here we outline the main data sources used to create the injury and ill health statistics
The National Population Database (NPD) is a unique Geographical Information System (GIS) dataset that enables the estimation of residents, workers and other population types in any location, down to individual building level, in Great Britain.
The NPD uses the latest and most accurate data available and provides unmatched levels of granularity. In fact, the NPD’s dataset is so trusted that it is used by the UK government’s ‘Resilience Direct’ platform. This secure online network for sharing real time information enables emergency services to deliver an efficient and co-ordinated response in situations that impact civil protection.
Benchmarking Safety Culture
Benchmarking is an excellent way to measure performance and position an organisation against the industry standard. This information can then be used to identify gaps within an organisation’s processes to achieve improvements in health and safety outcomes and organisational performance.
As part of the subscriber package of benefits for the HSE Safety Climate Tool (SCT), users have the ability to benchmark results against HSE’s exclusive industry datasets.
The SCT measures workforce attitudes and perceptions about health and safety against eight safety climate factors. This benchmarking report breaks down the minimum, maximum and average (mean) score for each of the eight factors by industry sectors where complete data sets are available for three or more organisations.
The report supplements the all-industry benchmarking data available in the online system’s auto-report, which compares your organisation’s score with the all-industry data. Therefore, it provides you with the data to measure your organisation’s results against those in similar industries.
The data used to develop this industry-specific benchmarking report is based on each organisation’s most recent results within the last two years. This approach emphasises the importance of using current data.
The PROTECT COVID-19 National Core Study on transmission and environment is a UK-wide research programme improving our understanding of how SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) is transmitted from person to person, and how this varies in different settings and environments. This improved understanding will enable more effective measures to stop transmission, saving lives and getting society back towards ‘normal’.
Led by the Health and Safety Executive’s Chief Scientific Adviser, Professor Andrew Curran, this critical work is being delivered by more than 70 researchers from 16 institutions across the UK.
One of the key aims of the PROTECT study is to bring together all the knowledge and evidence created by the other research themes and make it count. In practice, this means engaging directly with government, industry and other stakeholders to disseminate research findings and advice, producing accessible and usable communications. These outputs are varied and include evidence briefings, guidance documents and risk assessment tools. A key goal of the programme is to make research publications and reusable datasets findable and accessible to other researchers – including the other National Core Studies – to maximise impact.
For more information on how to work with us to enrich our data sets, or to gain access to some of these tools and projects, please email discoveringsafety@hse.gov.uk