The Industrial Safetytech Regulatory Sandbox, funded by the Regulators’ Pioneer Fund, provided a successful framework for HSE to explore the potential for new technology to help improve health and safety performance and compliance.
HSE worked with the Safetytech Accelerator (STA) as a delivery partner and several companies from the UK construction sector to identify a set of health and safety challenge areas to be explored in the Sandbox.
Aims and Objectives
The aim of the ISRS project was to explore the opportunities for improvements in health and safety performance and compliance using Industrial Safetytech (IS), and to understand the barriers to adoption of these new technologies by industry. The project aimed to use a Sandbox approach to develop recommendations for the health and safety system, government, and industry to help accelerate improvements in the workplace through the use of technology.
The ISRS project set about establishing a Sandbox environment to enable HSE, as the regulator, and key construction sector stakeholders to come together and work collaboratively with technology companies. The goal was to explore the potential of new technologies to address a set of defined health and safety risks in a structured way. The Sandbox was not about suspending established regulations or trialling new ones, nor was it about technology field trials. This Sandbox was run as a desk-based set of investigative studies to collaboratively explore the defined challenges, including the practicalities of overcoming barriers to adoption of IS in specific contexts across the construction sector.
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Key Findings
Each investigative study was asked to produce a report. These have been reviewed and put into a standard format as shown in the full report. It is intended that these will be reviewed and then published separately to promote and disseminate the work
A set of 10 recommendations were suggested for government, industry and the tech sector to improve technology adoption in the construction sector.
Discovery Safety Programme
Discovering Safety is a large and ambitious scientific endeavour, funded by the Lloyd’s Register Foundation. The programme is being delivered by the Health and Safety Executive and their key partners.
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